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Elevate Your Glow at Bedford Skincare
Begin your skincare journey with Bedford, because every radiant transformation begins with care, expertise, and a commitment to your beauty.

Valentine’s Day is here! Get $100 off Lip Filler.
Morpheus8, is the newest technology in skin rejuvenation & tightening.
It works by combining two proven technologies:
- Radio-frequency(RF) – which heats the deep layers of the skin in a controlled way to revitalize the collagen. It improves skin complexion and texture for a more radiant and youthful appearance.
- Micro-needling – which is a scientifically proven method to reduce wrinkles and rebuild collagen and fat. It is minimally invasive, using a matrix of micro pins to renew deeper layers of the skin.
Book your appointment today and start seeing results right away!

Skin Consultation
Years of experience
Looking Results
Happy Patients Treated
Lets Be Social!
Follow us to get updates on our monthly specials, and real results!
Combining Morpheus8 and Evoke Facial Contouring for the ULTIMATE skin-tightening treatment!
Was $2100 NOW $1680
Call now to book or buy and use anytime you’d like!
📲(805) 413-1023

combine derma-planing with skin tightening!
Treatment includes
-Our Signature Facial
-Red Light Therapy for Anti-Aging
-Forma Radio-Frequency Facial for skin tightening!
Single individually or by package for more permanent results!

Body Sculpting is so in right now! Work your abs without going to the gym😌💪
hint! it’s going to be 25% OFF at our part 11/1😉
Evolvex Transform:
-tones muscles
-skin tightening
-fat burning
ALL in only 60min❤️
Sold by as a package of 6 for the BEST results, or single treatments!
#bodysculpting #evolvex #transform #evolvextranform #emsculptneo #abworkout #fatburning #muscletoning #ems #electromusclestimulation #inmode

Morpheus8 FAQs💗💗
Ditch the rumors on this treatment and come in for a FREE consultation to understand the treatment better and how we manage any discomfort!
message us or comment with more questions!
📲Call (805) 413-1023
#morpheus8 #morpheus #morpheus8beforeandafter #morpheus8westlakevillage #morpheus8thousandoaks

What your should book in the upcoming months!
- Neurotoxin (repeat every 2-3mon.)
- Filler (repeat every 6-12 mon.)
- Micro-needling (repeat every 4-6 weeks)
- Body-Sculpting (repeat every 2-3x a month)
-IPL & Laser Hair Removal (repeat every 4-6 weeks)
-Derma-planing & VI Chemical Peels (repeat every 4-6 weeks)
Call to Book!

Everyone should be signed up for our EvolveX Body Sculpting Treatment! 🩷💪🩷
It hits the areas you just cannot get in the gym!
This treatment cmbines RF (Radio-frequency) & EMS (Electrical Muscle Stimulation) to target and destroy Fat cells, Tighten loose skin and Tone Muscle while doing 288,000 crunches in 30min!
Book a FREE consultations today to see if this treatment would be right for you!
📲 (805) 413-1023

Expert Donna Says More Botox is always better for prevention of fine lines and wrinkles!💉💘⏱️
if it’s been 3 months: you’re due
if it’s been 6 months: you’re long over due
if it’s been 9 + months: PLEASE book your appointment your forehead lines are begging you!
Book today🩷
Call (805) 413-0123

Get your Chemical VI Peel to give your skin a fresh start! ☀️ Mention this post for $50 OFF your first peel with us!
Thank you @mamarobs_ for being such a sweet patient! we cannot wait to see your results🩷
(805) 413-1023

Maintain your Morpheus8 Results!
After your initial treatment, every 6-12 months get a maintenance treatment to keep your results!
Book your maintenance treatment today!
(805) 413-1023
#morpheus8 #morpheus8beforeandafter #microneedling #medspathousandoaks #thousandoaks #westlakevillage #westlakevillagemoms #thousandoaksmoms #conejovalleymoms

looking for an aesthetics spa that will make you feel natural and comfortable? Come and check us out!
We are located inside of the Paseo Business Suites about zooza cafe and canyon salon and we would love to meet you!
Book a free consultations as early as next week🩷
Call to book
(805) 413-1023
#hiddenmedspa #thousandoaks #thousandoaksmedspa #westlakevillagemedspa #venturacounty #conejovalleymedspa #botox #filler #morpheus8 #skintightening #thousandoaksmoms #conjeovalleymoms #westlakevillagemoms #momtherapy #bedfordskincareclinic

-tones muscle, burns fat and tightens loose skin.
-288,000 crunches in 30min
Book your first session today!
(805) 413-1023

Take our word for it, you’ll love coming to see us here at Bedford Skincare Clinic🫶🏼
Book a FREE consultation with us today! And if you are not knew here, we miss you! Book a treatment with us ASAP!🩷🩷🩷
#westlakevillage #medspa #westlakevillagemedspa #thousandoaks #skincareclinic

Body Sculpting results!! this is amazing 3 in 1 treatment that
1. Tightens loose skin
2. Burns Fat
3. Tones Muscle
Amazing for both men and women!
Book a consultation to see if you are a good candidate for this treatment!
CALL: 805.413.1023
#thousandoaks #westlakevillage #westlakevillagemedspa #bodysculpt

Looking for a medspa where you can relax and have trust in your injector?! Bedford is the place for you!
FREE Consultations, just give us a call to book an appointment🩷
(805) 413-1023
#medspa #westlakevillage #westlakevillagerealestate #westlakevillagemoms #westlakevillagemedspa #botox #filler #laserhairremoval #microneedling #chemicalpeel #skinrejuvenation #skintightening

Has it been 3 months since your last Botox treatment? Time to book your next appointment!
#botox #neurotoxin #westlakemedicalspa #westlakevillage

Diminishes redness, sun damage/spots, melasma, etc.
We recommend getting a package of 3 treatments for optimal results!
Book an Appointment
(805) 413-1023

Stressed? Happy? Going through a Breakup? Just want to see the amazing Bedford team?
Book your ‘therapy’ appointment today!
📱(805) 413-1023

Forma Facial😊
30-45 min of skin tightening and rejuvenation!
Call to book your appointment today!
📱(805) 413-1023

Always use a gentle cleanser to start and end your day! Try our Alastin Gentle Cleanser and you will be hooked!
If you have been wanting to start using their products, now is a good time to start!☀️
Call or come in to purchase!
(805) 413-1023
#alastin #alastintransform #alastinskincare™ #alastinnectar

The ultimate Skin tightening treatment!
Call or visit our website for more info!
📱(805) 413-1023
#morpheus #morpheus8 #morpheus8body #morpheus8inmode #morpheus8beforeandafter #morpheus8westlakevillage #medspawestlakevillage #westlakevillage

Find Relaxation in Our Space
At Bedford, we prioritize your health and comfort above all else. Upholding the utmost standards of cleanliness and hygiene, every corner of our space embodies our dedication to fostering an atmosphere where you can experience a sense of safety, comfort, and genuine care.